Rupert Murdoch asked: "I am a little perplexed, I can't make up my mind whether we should regulate the press by act of parliament. Or have a beefed up system of self regulation. Could you offer some advice then I can tell Dave and his toffs what to do."
Oh boy Rupert! You really have have gotten yourself in a fine pickle this time you old lemon. Levinson sniffed out the ever growing stench of the hacking scandal leaking out of NewsCorp. So this is one pie in the eye that Wendi can't save you from this time. Try as I might, I can't think of a better reason for regulation by statute, other than because its just what the proprietors and editors don't want.
Well, I'm pleased to report that the ginger minger and soon to be felon Rebekah Brooks. Seems to be off for an extended period of reflection on the hacking and illegal payments scandal. All done inside one of her majesties finest long stay hostels. So I expect that she will soon be toasting your marshmallow balls in mitigation and looking to cop a plea bargain. Not only that but Cameron's former communications director, Andy Coulson will also be jostling with her for a reduced tariff as well.
Then there was the shambolic News International executive led process, which was to search through thousands of emails only to conclude that executives knew nothing about phone hacking and that it was all done by a 'rogue reporter'. Then there are the victims, like Madeleine McCann and her family. Levinson said "'If ever there were an example of a story which ran totally out of control, this is one. The appetite for “news” became insatiable, and once the original story had run its course the desire to find new leads and “angles” began to take over, with their corollary tendencies of sensationalism and scandal. Not merely was the rigorous search for the truth the first principle to be sacrificed but also was any respect for the dignity, privacy and well being of the McCanns."
Then there is Milly Dowler and her family. The disclosures that Milly's phone was hacked by journalists - giving her parents Bob and Sally Dowler 'false hope' that she was still alive/ This was the scandal that prompted Cameron to launch the Leveson Inquiry. The public has a long memory of the actions of the press. But there are a few press people with a score to settle. They were being hung out to dry while others thought themselves insulated from the heat.
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Helen M. Turner |
Then there is your old mate Con man Dave, who is on his way out - he is as sweet smelling as a skunk. So there is nothing he can do for you. So my advice to you old boy, is to go back to Australia as soon as possible. Then get your sorry arse over to Ayers Rock and slither underneath. Take Wendi and the lad with you.
Uncle Mort
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