Gordon Brown asked: "Dear Uncle Mort. I am afraid of death and politicians. I am not sure if there is a name for my fears. What if anything can I do about it."There are as many stories in the world as there are people. Some people are quite insignificant, everyday, normal and will never ever come to any prominence. While there are other people who will have a significant effect upon the world. But no matter who you are, we all have one common denominator and that is death.
Politicians form part of what I consider to be the last vestiges of the living dead. I blame the British public for creating a self inflicted problem The problem is being still perpetuated each time we vote for them. I think its time for a reverse suffrage where we take away the vote from those who feel compelled to cast it. Death can often be a sad time in life for all concerned. Alternatively for some people death gives a release into a happier place. That better place seems to be the palace of Westminster.
Today we value life and have a new understanding based upon human rights. But this concept of a human right is a quite recent change. For thousands of years early death could come by way of a punishment or sacrifice. Parliament has always played a part in bringing about early death. Whether is is beheading a king as has happened in the past. Politician are keeping up the tradition by dismantling the National Health System.
Yet the most insignificant person, will at some point in their lifetime have been an extremely important individual to someone else. First as a new born baby and later as a sibling, a friend, a lover, a spouse maybe even completing the circle as a parent. However, how far we get, depends on many factors combined with how long we live.
There are many factors that will effect the length of our life. These same factors will also influence the quality of our lifetime. Our individual health, education, employment, wealth, intelligence and ability are just a few of the factors.
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Carlos Schwarbe
From the earliest of recorded time, death has played a significant part in our lives. Throughout the world people have always revered death as an emotional and often ethereal time. For some death is something to be feared. For others death is a part of their spirituality and accepted as just one of the many steps and changes that we will experience.
Personally, I fear politicians much more than I fear death. As for a collective noun for the fear of politicians. There are people who have a phobia about politicians. Their fear is known as Politicophobia. Give me a black widow spider any day.
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