Conrad White Asked: "What has happened to our newspapers. Once they were full of world news, national news and important local stories. Now they are full of tittle tattle about third rate celebrities."
Hello Moffi, I see you have been allowed out and about in public again. One might even say, A Life [is] in Progress once again. I can see you in my minds eye peer-ing down from Black Harbour towers. Of all the people who could As A Matter of Principle explain the fall of newspapers from grace you're one who would instantly come to mind.
Newspapers were once a hallowed instrument used for keeping the wider public informed. Their content was dictated by the real news of the day. Now, it is tits hanging out on page three. provided through owners who peddle porn. Once newspapers were full of newsworthy articles. With international news gathered from all around the British empire. Reporters and photographers who could command great respect whose opinions and pictures were worthy of consideration. Now, reporters have been replaced by the motorcycle mounted paparazzi who in turn stalk the so called celebrity of the day.
Newspapers are in free fall in a chicken and egg scenario over cheap versus professional. Professional, quality journalism is expensive, you actually have to pay people salaries and cover expenses. Now, a whole new market of cheap as chips quality journalism has been created as a replacement. Cheap, low quality journalism quickly looses the attention and credibility of the readership. Items of poor quality journalism are crammed in amongst page after page of advertisements. Survival is based on the income that those intrusive ads produce. Newspapers sell their ad space to the highest bidder, no matter what the content may contain. Low quality advertising based system is clumsy, ugly, and, in the long term, unworkable. But I am happy to report, that it is a symptom of the slow and protracted death of the poor quality newspapers of today.
Newspapers in a way brainwash to influence those, whose behaviour is mind set by the content. A form of “mass manipulation". Instead mass media could be used as means of "mass education" and raise awareness of how we can and do influence with our actions and intentions.
Then there was the hacking scandal, this single act has deepened the tarnish to the point where the industry will never recover. Starting to sell newspapers on the back of personal grief of the families of the Liverpool 96. Right through to more recent times targeting the Dowlers and the McCann families. Owners, editors, journalists can possess no scintilla of shame. It's time for you and your ilk, to slither back under the rock you and your cohort emerged from.
Uncle Mort.
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