Uncle Mort Ethos

For years people have depend on seeking the advice of friends to help with their problems. There was also an alternative what appeared in the Agony Aunt or advice column in a newspapers or magazines. These were the places for people to consult the oracle aunt and ask questions about anything in life. Uncle Mort's blog is the home of an agony uncle and is where you can also ask questions on any subject. The answers you get may or may not fulfill your wishes.

Saturday, 8 December 2012


Ann Asked: "I'm at my wits end, my husband is so loving but at the same time so difficult to please. Can you offer any advice from a male perspective."

My dear Ann. Why do you trouble yourself so much. My advice is quite simple and unequivocal  First of all, we just need to understand each other. However, all men know, almost instinctively, what they need to do to please the woman in their lives.

To satisfy that special someone we know that we need to caress, praise and pamper our loved one. We also know that we should relish, savour, massage and empathise.  Our hearts would if it could serenade, compliment, support, feed and tantalise that special person.

We could bathe, humour and placate, stimulate, stroke and console.  While we purr, hug, coddle, excite, pacify and protect. Sometimes we need to anticipate, nuzzle and smooch. We have to learn to forgive, to sacrifice, to entertain and to charm. There are times when we have to implore, trust, grovel, and acquiesce. Then there are times when we have to spoil, embrace, accept, hear, understand, beg, plead and give respect.

Otto H. Bacher
We have to be strong yet calm. We have to tease, flirt, persuade, commit and cajole. In those special moments we have to  murmur, snuggle, ingratiate, indulge, rub, salve, bite, taste, nibble, gratify and serve. Then mollycoddle, squeeze, wow, dazzle, amaze, flabbergast, enchant, idolise, worship and then do it all again.

But it is not a one way street, you also have to learn to satisfy your man. This is easy, just show up naked.


Uncle Mort.

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